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Mastering English

I make mistakes while talking or writing in English. Often, I note the mistakes, correct them and take care not to repeat them. Sometimes I really get upset, especially if the mistake is a trivial one.

I know, English is not my mother tongue and having studied in a colony school, it takes really a huge effort to master it. One moment, the words just flow without much effort, but sometimes I really struggle to find words, in fact, suitable words. I think it always depends on the start we give to the conversation, the situation we are in and the person whom we are talking to.

Apart from me, I have seen people, who have finished English courses, committing blunders while talking and writing. This makes me feel proud of my English, but in the next moment I am right there searching for the right words. So, what to do? One simple solution is to listen, talk and write as much as we can. That's what I have been trying since completing my graduation days. I have improved a bit and I can see the difference, and hope to improve further with passing day.

Wish me all the best!


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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Male and married.