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Proofreading featured a post on proofreading techniques, which are widely known, but seldom followed. I stumbled upon a grave mistake in the subscription form of Filmfare magazine which read, "Subscribe Filmfare and get 20 DVD's free".

Moving ahead, just to remind myself and all others involved in proofreading activity, here are the points taken from the website.

1. Concentration is key: The most important point which is often ignored at my workplace.
2. Put it on paper: I avoid this just to avoid using paper.
3. Watch out for Homonyms
4. Watch out for contractions and apostrophes: These are the most abused items while proofreading.
5. Check the punctuation:
6. Read it backwards: I never did it.
7. Check the numbers: Ignore them at your peril.
8. Get someone else to proofread it: Most often taken in negative sense by many.


Enjoy reading.

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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Male and married.