Chatter Box
A bit of everything


A few observations from the Mumbai attacks:

1. The attack, which is primarily on the affluent section and foreigners, seems to have given the much needed impetus for our lackluster anti-terror arrangements. If this is true, then it is sad that it required more than 200 people to lay down their lives unnecessarily to wake up the sleeping central government. However, I still doubt the integrity of our leaders given the impending elections.

2. Narendra Modi's outburst hours after the attack was far more determined and purposeful than the addressing of the Prime Minister or the Home Minister. In fact, people of India needed someone to stand up and speak as strongly as Mr.Modi did. Mr.Modi is no gentleman, but he exactly knew the need of the hour.

3. Mr.Shivraj Patil was not involved in the high-level meeting organized by Manmohan Singh today. Manmohan Singh seems to have realized that Mr.Patil can only do two things: condemn, and if necessary strongly condemning the incident.

4. The attacks also helped the old Pranab Mukharjee to awake his manhood. He minced no words while talking to his Pakistani counterpart.

5. More than our leaders' impromptus, it is the courage displayed by the NSG commandos and the Marine troops that has brought a bit of solace to the people of India.

6. All TV channels vied with each other to weave storylines and package them as attractively as possible. They should not have been allowed to broadcast each and every movement of the commandos as the pictures would be watched even by the terrorists.

7. For the first time, India has come out strongly against Pakistan for an attack. Hope this doesn't stop here.

8. The delay in Operation Swan, though mooted in 2005, has enabled terrorists such a smooth passage.

8. It's not entirely right to blame government for the ghastly incident. The hotel owners were asked to beef up their security by the Maharastra police and the government a couple of weeks ago. Further, in the wake of recent terrorists attacks on public places it was important for hotels and cinema halls to engage private security.

The list is endless. At least now our politicians need to keep aside their vote bank politics and frame some stern policies to weed out terrorism. However...


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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
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