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I stumbled upon this interesting piece by Thomas L. Friedman on New York Times.

"Someone in the mobility business in Denmark and Tel Aviv is already developing a real-world alternative to Detroit’s business model. I don’t know if this alternative to gasoline-powered cars will work, but I do know that it can be done — and Detroit isn’t doing it. And therefore it will be done, and eventually, I bet, it will be done profitably."

"Our bailout of Detroit will be remembered as the equivalent of pouring billions of dollars into improving typewriters on the eve of the birth of the PC and the Internet."

He was referring to Shai Agassi’s electric car network company called Better Place.

"Under the Better Place model, consumers can either buy or lease an electric car from the French automaker Renault or Japanese companies like Nissan (General Motors snubbed Agassi) and then buy miles on their electric car batteries from Better Place the way you now buy an Apple cellphone and the minutes from AT&T. That way Better Place, or any car company that partners with it, benefits from each mile you drive. G.M. sells cars. Better Place is selling mobility miles."

"The first Renault and Nissan electric cars are scheduled to hit Denmark and Israel in 2011, when the whole system should be up and running. What I find exciting about Better Place is that it is building a car company off the new industrial platform of the 21st century, not the one from the 20th — the exact same way that Steve Jobs did to overturn the music business. What did Apple understand first? One, that today’s technology platform would allow anyone with a computer to record music. Two, that the Internet and MP3 players would allow anyone to transfer music in digital form to anyone else. You wouldn’t need CDs or record companies anymore. Apple simply took all those innovations and integrated them into a single music-generating, purchasing and listening system that completely disrupted the music business."

Right on the money Sir!

Though it appears critical to bailout Three Bigs to revive sagging American economy, investing on emerging technologies and innovative ideas like that of Shai Agassi would be wise and serve long-term interests of the US.

Though the big three knew that innovation is the key they somehow didn't pursue it aggressively. As for Shai Agassi's model, it definitely shows a new path for the sagging US automotive industry.


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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
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