Chatter Box
A bit of everything


Before you jump to form your own conclusions, let me inform you that R.A.P.E here is not exactly what a dictionary reveals, but quite near to it.

R.A.P.E stands for Ruling Against Public Expectations. And that's what has happened in Andhra Pradesh and India, at least over the last five years.

Without going into details of the unfinished projects, money siphoned to centre, high-level corruption, Satyam scandal, faulty government schemes and bomb blasts, I urge all the people in the state to vote for Lok Satta, led by former IAS officer Jaya Prakash Narayan and avoid getting R.A.P.E(d).

My sincere appeal to all educated young people across Andhra Pradesh:

Don't skip voting to enjoy the holiday on the election day, please cast your vote to enjoy for the next five years.


Enjoy reading.

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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Male and married.