Chatter Box
A bit of everything

Blasts - As common as thefts

Two blasts in two days and we hear the state and central governments blaming each other in Gujarat and Benguluru. We have web sites like where Hindus and Muslim members fight against each other.

I believe that Vote bank politics of the UPA government is stopping it from taking stringent measures against MUSLIM TERRORISTS. Repealing of POTA is one example. There are many people in India who believe that BJP is a chauvinist party. But the truth is that the other parties, the so called secular parties, are trying to appease Muslims and in the process are not taking stern action against the guilty (read MUSLIM TERRORISTS). The frequency of such blasts is making mockery of our lives. Further writing is getting impossible.

I hope an end is put very soon.

"the so called secular parties, are trying to appease Muslims and in the process are not taking stern action against the guilty (read MUSLIM TERRORISTS)"

How do you think that the government's inaction against the guilty will appease the muslims?

good question. It's simple. You don't declare anyone (Muslim terrorists) guilty or delay the whole process or just sideline the cases by stopping the authorities from taking action.


Enjoy reading.

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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Male and married.